ItemData Reference

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This page shows all properties of IntrinsicData that can be manipulated from Lua.


   public string Name;

The item's name. More often than not, you'll want to call GetIconName() instead.


   public override string ToString();

Returns the item's localized name.


   public string GetColoredName();

Returns the name of the item along with the appropriate color text code for moves.


   public string GetIconName();

Returns the name of the item along with the appropriately prepended icon and color text code for moves.


   public string Sprite;

The name of the image file used for this item's dungeon sprite.


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   public int Icon;

The icon shown next to this item's name in menus, etc.


   public LocalText Desc;

The item's description text when viewed in the menu. The default (English) description of a move can be called with ability.Desc.DefaultName.


   public bool Released;

Internal flag to show whether an ability is completed and allowed to show up in the game. true if the move is completed, false otherwise. Items that are not released show up with an *asterisk next to their names when viewed in the Dev Mode editors.


   public string Comment;

An internal piece of text only visible using the Dev Mode editors, or by calling this property. Usually used to take notes on the ability if necessary.


   public int SortCategory;

The numerical order of the item for sorting when pressing the sort button in menus.


   public int Price;

How much the item sells for. Can't be negative. Also used to calculate score in Roguelocke mode.


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   public int Rarity;

The rarity rating of the item.


   public int MaxStack;

The maximum amount a single slot of this item can be stacked. 0 is unstackable.


   public bool CannotDrop;

If set to true, the item cannot be manually dropped, cannot be lost, and cannot be stolen. The item can still be put in storage.


   public bool BagEffect;

Determines whether the item activates in bag or on equip.


   public StateCollection<ItemState> ItemStates;

Special variables that this item contains. They are potentially checked against in a select number of battle events.


   public List<GroundItemEvent> GroundUseActions;

List of ground actions that can be used with that item.


   public CombatAction UseAction;

The hitbox of the attack that comes out when the item is used.


   public ExplosionData Explosion;

The splash effect that is triggered for each target of the UseAction hitbox.


   public BattleData UseEvent;

The effects of using the item.


   public UseType UsageType;

Define whether this is a food, drink, etc for the proper sound/animation on use, and for what action text is shown in the item menu. "None" and "ammo" will prevent use, but UseEffect can still be triggered by throwing it. This means that throw effect is the same as use effect. Some other effects care about UseType. For example the move Belch triggers on Eat use actions.


   public enum UseType;

Possible values for ItemData.UsageType above:

  • UseType.None
  • UseType.Use
  • UseType.UseOther
  • UseType.Throw
  • UseType.Eat
  • UseType.Drink
  • UseType.Learn (TMs)
  • UseType.Box
  • UseType.Treasure (exclusive items)


   public bool ArcThrow;

Defines whether this item flies in an arc or in a straight line.


   public bool BreakOnThrow;

Defines whether this item will disappear if thrown, even if it doesnt hit a target.


   public Content.AnimData ThrowAnim;

Defines the custom graphics for the item when it is thrown. Set to an empty anim to use the item's own sprite.