
From PMDOWiki
By level up
Lv. Move Type Pow. Acc. PP Range Target Effects
1 Ancient Power RockSpecial 55 100% 11 4-tile piercing shot Foes 25% chance to raise all user's stats.
1 Water Pulse WaterSpecial 50 100% 12 3-tile piercing shot Foes 35% chance to inflict Confusion.
5 Scary Face NormalStatus -- 70% 16 2-tile cone Foes Harshly lowers Movement Speed.
15 Aqua Tail WaterPhysical 80 90% 15 In front and sides Foes
20 Body Slam NormalPhysical 80 100% 18 In front Foes 35% chance to inflict Paralysis.
30 Aqua Ring WaterStatus -- --% 16 1-tile area Party Restores HP each turn.
35 Ice Beam IceSpecial 65 100% 9 8-tile shot Anyone 50% chance to inflict Freeze.
50 Calm Mind PsychicStatus -- --% 14 Self Self Raises Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense.
60 Muddy Water WaterSpecial 60 80% 11 4-tile beam Foes 35% chance to lower Accuracy.
Extinguishes lava tiles.
65 Sheer Cold IceSpecial -- 50% 5 1-tile area Foes One-hit KO.
75 Hydro Pump WaterSpecial 100 75% 8 8-tile piercing shot Anyone Extinguishes lava tiles.
80 Double-Edge NormalPhysical 90 100% 8 5-tile piercing dash Anyone User takes 1/5 of their max HP in recoil damage.
90 Water Spout WaterSpecial -- 100% 8 2-tile area Foes Reduced power at low HP.

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By move tutor

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