
From PMDOWiki

ID kyogre Stats
Form ID 00
HP 100
Atk 100
Def 90
Sp.A 150
Sp.D 140
Spe 90

Type Water Water
Ability Drizzle
By level up
Lv. Move Type Pow. Acc. PP Range Target Effects
1 Ancient Power RockSpecial 55 100% 11 4-tile piercing shot Foes 25% chance to raise all user's stats.
1 Water Pulse WaterSpecial 50 100% 12 3-tile piercing shot Foes 35% chance to inflict Confusion.
5 Scary Face NormalStatus -- 70% 16 2-tile cone Foes Harshly lowers Movement Speed.
15 Aqua Tail WaterPhysical 80 90% 15 In front and sides Foes
20 Body Slam NormalPhysical 80 100% 18 In front Foes 35% chance to inflict Paralysis.
30 Aqua Ring WaterStatus -- --% 16 1-tile area Party Restores HP each turn.
35 Ice Beam IceSpecial 65 100% 9 8-tile shot Anyone 50% chance to inflict Freeze.
50 Calm Mind PsychicStatus -- --% 14 Self Self Raises Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense.
60 Muddy Water WaterSpecial 60 80% 11 4-tile beam Foes 35% chance to lower Accuracy.
Extinguishes lava tiles.
65 Sheer Cold IceSpecial -- 50% 5 1-tile area Foes One-hit KO.
75 Hydro Pump WaterSpecial 100 75% 8 8-tile piercing shot Anyone Extinguishes lava tiles.
80 Double-Edge NormalPhysical 90 100% 8 5-tile piercing dash Anyone User takes 1/5 of their max HP in recoil damage.
90 Water Spout WaterSpecial -- 100% 8 2-tile area Foes Reduced power at low HP.

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By move tutor

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