
From PMDOWiki

Terrain determines the properties of non-trap tiles and which Pokémon can walk over them.

Terrain is not to be confused with the effects of similarly-named moves such as Grassy Terrain, which are implemented as map statuses.

List of terrain types

This chart contains no images, as terrain properties can be applied separately from the visual appearance of a tile.

Terrain Walkable by Blocks vision Special effects
Floor all No Default terrain.
Wall GhostGhost-types Yes
Unbreakable none Yes Can't be destroyed by any means, and blocks the effects of moves and items. Usually used for dungeon floor and treasure room borders.
Grass all Yes
Water WaterWater-types
Levitate users
No Cures Burn if stepped on.
Lava FireFire-types
Levitate users
No Inflicts Burn if stepped on. Destroys items if they fall on it.
Abyss FlyingFlying-types
Levitate users
No Destroys items if they fall on it.
Poison WaterWater-types
Levitate users
No Inflicts Poison if stepped on.

Destroying terrain

Moves with that have the RemoveTerrainEvent property On Hit Tiles can destroy various types of terrain. When terrain is destroyed, it is turned into a floor tile.