Settings Menu Reference

From PMDOWiki


The title piece of the Settings Menu. This is the entry point for modders to add new settings to the game.


This read-only property is true if the menu has been opened from inside the game and false if it has been opened from the Top Menu.


Returns true if a SettingsPage is already associated with the provided key, false otherwise.


  • key the unique id key to test for.

SettingsTitleMenu:AddPage(System.String, System.String)

Creates and returns a new SettingsPage object, assigning it to a key and giving it a title. Using a key that already exixts results in an error. It is recommended to always use a mod's namespace as either the prefix of a page's key or the key itself. This will minimize conflicts and ensure that multiple pages for the same mod stay as close together as possible. Good examples are: my_namespace, my_namespace_general, my_namespace_qol.


  • key the unique id key of the newly created page.
  • title the localized display title of the page.


This object is what gets returned by SettingsTitleMenu:AddPage. This is the object that actually allows the user to add new settings to the game.


This property is an Action; a function that takes no parameters and returns nothing. If set, it is called after all of the settings' SaveActions have been ran. PMDO uses this in its original page to bring the player back to the top menu if the language setting has been edited.

SettingsPage.AddSetting(System.String, NLua.LuaTable, System.Int32, System.Action<RogueEssence.Menu.MenuSetting>, System.Action<RogueEssence.Menu.MenuSetting>)

This function registers a new setting, giving it a name, a list of state, a starting position and some special callbacks.


  • name the localized display name of the setting.
  • options a table containing a list of strings. Each string is one of the possible displayed values of the setting.
  • defaultValue the option this setting will show as its starting value. It must be a number between 0 and #options-1.
  • action the function that will be called when the player presses the confirm button. It will have its corresponding MenuSetting passed to it, so that you can access its CurrentChoice parameter and use it to actually update whatever value this setting represents.
  • settingChangedAction the function that will be called whenever the player changes the value of this specific setting. Useful to display changes immediately. PMDO uses this in its original page to temporarily change the window borders without actually saving the setting. It will have its corresponding MenuSetting passed to it, so that you can access its CurrentChoice parameter and use it to actually update whatever temporary value this setting is tied to. Defaults to nil.