Maintaining Pokedex

From PMDOWiki

The available roster of Pokemon in PMDO is dictated by the available sprites in PMDCollab. Species that have both portraits and sprites for both the base form and shiny are marked as "released" and considered for use in PMDO.

The Google Sheet keeps the most up to date tabulation of Pokemon that exist in PMDO and where they are.

This page details the steps that go into maintaining the list. It assumes that the user has cloned the PMDODump repository and set up debugging. File locations described are relative to the PMDODump folder.

Mass Sprite Import

First, the asset library of available Pokemon sprites must be updated.

Main article here: Mass Sprite Import

Document Update

Run the DataGenerator project (preferably in Debug mode) with the following arguments:

-asset ../../../../DumpAsset/ -raw ../../../../RawAsset/ -gen ../../../../DataAsset -monsterprep

This takes RawAsset/sprite_diffs.csv and generates DataAsset/Monster/releases.txt which is ready for sync on the spreadsheet.

Run to update the spreadsheet with recently changed sprite data in DataAsset/Monster/releases.txt. This will checkmark the "diff" column for all sprites that changed.

Review each sprite ingame to determine if the sprite meets quality standards, and checkmark the "certified" column" if so.

Run again to merge the change made in the spreadsheet back to DataAsset/Monster/releases.out.txt.

Mark for Release

At this point, whenever the list of Pokemon are dumped using DataGenerator, the noted Pokemon will be denoted as Released or Unreleased based on the DataAsset/Monster/releases.out.txt table.