Creating TMs

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Before starting, it is recommended that you follow the Creating Moves tutorial, since we'll be adding our newly created move, Toroid Cannon. Make your game is set to a mod in Modding Intro so that you’re editing a mod instead of the base game.

Creating the TM

Begin by creating a new item in the Items list.

Click on [Add].

Name the item tm_toroid_cannon and click [OK].

You should see your newly created item at the bottom of the list! Click on the item.

For reference, you should see this page below.

We will heavily reference from TM Acrobatics below when creating our TM.

Make the changes shown below:

  • Set the Name to TM Toroid Cannon
  • Set the Description to be "Teaches the move Toroid Cannon"
  • Check the Released checkbox
  • Set the Sprite to be Disc_Blue
  • Set the Icon to be 13: TM
  • Set the Sort Category to be 15. This helps with sorting items in the menu.
  • Set the Price to be 500

Scroll down until you see Usage Type.

Then under Item States, click [Add].

Do the following actions shown below:

  • Set the Type to be ItemIDState
  • Set the ID to be toroid_cannon. This identifies what move to learn!

Click on [OK].

TM Use Action

Under Use Action, click on [Edit]. Then change the Type to be SelfAction

Checkmark Self. This will allow the TM to target party members based on their learnset

Then under Pre Actions, click on [Add].

Then do the following:

  • Set the Sound to be DUN_TM.
  • Set the Emitter to be type SingleEmitter.
  • Click on Edit under Anim.

Set the Type to be StaticAnim.

Proceed with the following below:

  • Set Anim Index to be Charge_Up.
  • Set the Frame Time to 3.
  • Set the Cycles to 1.

Click [OK]

Your window should look similar to below! Click [OK] again.

Then finally set the Usage Type to be Learn. Click [OK], and we have finished with creating our TM. Let's test it out!

Testing the TM

Enter any dungeon and then spawn the TM Toroid Cannon from the Dev menu.

Unfortunately, it looks like none of our party members can learn Toroid Cannon...

We will now mod the learnset of our party member to include Toroid Cannon! We will be modding Bulbasaur, but any Pokemon will do!

Adding to Learnset

Double-click Bulbasaur in the Monster list.

Scroll down until you see Forms and double-click on Bulbasaur again.

Then scroll down until you see Teach Skills.

Click [Add]

Then do the following:

  • Set the Type to be LearnableSkill.
  • Set the Skill to be Toroid Cannon.
  • Click [OK].

Close and save all the windows, and test the TM again!

You should be able to teach Toroid Cannon to Bulbasaur!

This concludes adding your own TMs into the game! You may want to add this move to the learnset or level-up moves of other Pokemon.